St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School

Spirituality, Aspiration, Innovation, Diversity

Mission, Vision and Aims

The family of St. Francis of Assisi is a school community following in the footsteps of Christ and built on the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.

Mission – ‘Learning & Growing Together in God’s Love’

Inspired by the life of Christ we seek to provide an exceptional education which enables our children:

  • to fully embrace all possibilities 
  • to flourish 
  • to develop their faith

and therefore to choose a path that enables them to be a positive influence upon our world.


Our values will enable every child and young person at St Francis of Assisi to receive the very best education, so that they are empowered to grow, learn and achieve in order to reach their full potential. We will develop high quality teaching, learning and support within our school and in doing so ensure that every child flourishes.

Our values which guide all of us as adults and children:

  • Loving together  – forgiveness, empathy, inclusion, kindness
  • Learning together–growing, leading, aspiring, enabling
  • Growing in faith together – Christ at the centre, service, stewardship

Aims – Spirituality Aspiration Innovation Diversity

  • Spirituality: We aim to teach Christian values to our children, inviting them to build their own lives upon them. We aim to be an inclusive family, inspired by gospel values through service to others and through coming to know Jesus better through their learning, through worship and through the daily life of the school.
  • Aspiration: We aim to develop aspirational, creative and curious learners who embrace challenge and recognise this as essential to their growth. We aim to help children develop high self-esteem, confidence and a strong sense of identity
  • Innovation: We aim to provide an environment in which children can confidently explore, build on and share new ideas so that they can become the innovators of the future. We aim to inspire learning with a wide and innovative curriculum.
  • Diversity: We aim to teach every child to embrace and value diversity in themselves and others. We aim to be a happy, welcoming and caring school where we recognise, affirm and develop the unique gifts and talents of each individual.